Dr. Boladuadua of Cure Kids Fiji Joins National COVID-19 Response Effort

Members of the COVID-19 Fiji Incident Management Team (IMT); (left to right) Dr Nashika Sharma,
Mr Vilimone Raqona, Dr James Fong and Dr Sainimere Boladuadua
APRIL 2020- Cure Kids Fiji was proud to be able to donate the time of our very own Dr. Sainimere Boladuadua to assist Fiji’s COVID-19 response effort. Sai is pictured here on the right, with the new acting Permanent Secretary of Health and Medical Services, Dr James Fong, and other core members of the team.
Fiji’s COVID-19 Incident Management Team (IMT) represents Fiji’s whole-of-government response to the pandemic and implements the Fiji Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Plan.
While the effort as a whole focuses on strategic operational and technical preparedness, Dr Boladuadua managed the implementation of Surveillance Outbreak Response Management and Analysis Systems, an open source mobile eHealth system for the pandemic response. This includes digitising and standardising what had previously been a paper-based outbreak response and management system. This new surveillance system will be a central part of Fiji’s outbreak response.
In the longer term this online system will integrate with other essential health databases, including Cure Kids Fiji’s Rheumatic Fever Information System (RFIS), and ultimately will enable Fiji to improve control of a range of infectious diseases – not only Coronavirus.